“Looping it back to me” I remarked to Peter last week. With a twinkle in his eye, he replied: “I don't believe we've ever left you”.
Yup, I'm “that girl”... always have been … and I can't help myself... always will be. I love to make silk purses out of sow's ears, express my pearls of wisdom and twirl with a glass of champagne in hand and a friend's hand in the other. I'm not slowing down... I think that the world is just spinning faster.
A few years ago, I tried my hand at “blogging”... after two or three entries, I lost interest and patience. Today, Oprah started her OWN TV network. Her fierce determination inspired me to rev up my blog!
I find that when there is too much writing on a page, I become bored and my mind wanders. So my blog is going to contain more ideas & images with less facts & writing on each page. No format, plans, order, rhyme or reasons for any thoughts or expressions... just random “STUFF” (the most overused word) that might just tickle your fancy. Hmm, what is “your fancy” anyway?
OK, I took a few pictures of some “STUFF” this afternoon... so let's get started.

As I was “round filing”, recycling & re-reading this year's holiday cards, I suddenly realized that this year, most of the cards wished me happiness and peace. “Very fitting during these challenging times”, I thought as I took each one off our mantle.

I'm not much into New Year's resolutions (I don't... much like.. self imposed failure) , but this card will be taped on my “morning mirror” for quite some time.
This hand drawn, water colored, glittered, meticulously cut & TLC infused card... is sitting, with great pride... on my bureau, as a reminder of the thought & time one puts into simple acts of kindness towards a friend.

What to do with one tattered old cocktail napkin?

How about gift wrap??!?!? I tied up a special something with a strip of cashmere cut off the bottom of a worn out sweater. Oh and the gift card: cut & folded out of a 2010 holiday card ... fresh off our mantle!
On the subject of cashmere: here's what I found... as the Best Bargain of The Season: A Chic & Simple Set of re-heat-able cashmere hand warmers... for any age.

In a handsome & compact Restoration Hardware two sided box for only $15.00 a pair!
Here are a few examples of: Reminders, not New Year's Resolutions (self inflicted failure, remember) just for fun. Because there are exactly & only 30 spaces, I call these my Twitter Pencils. It's a crazy challenge to put your thought into 30 spaces.

For about a quarter each, they add a bit of whimsey to dinner table conversation, birthday cards and lunch bags. Oriental Trading is “the best” trinkets catalog & site.

Ever feel sorry for yourself? It's nearly impossible to stay in that state of mind with this calendar sitting on your desk. It's not about the days or months, its about the art.

Not one of the artists, who paint the images you see throughout the year, have arms.
They hold brushes in their feet and mouth. Each and every year, it's a privilege & an honor to order one of these calendars. “Feel sorry for myself?” Not with this in sight.

How about these paper place mats!??! Talk about reversed snobbery:”paper placemats?” You betcha, red rider. Four classic-n-classy designs... 50 mats for $20.00 at the deYoung museum. Bonus: for last minute gift wrap & stationary... they are “IT” !
OK, so I'm winding down my 1st blog page with a picture of a deja-vu toy: JACKS! Not the old metal ones with the familiar little red rubber ball. Rather ...larger than life, brighter than ever, happy metallic plastic JACKS! I plan on making them into something fabulous... the jury's out on just what that will be.
For now...BARZ open! CHEERS!!! Here's wishing you a magical 2011... full of unexpected twists and unanticipated surprises.