“You could sell these” is the very
flattering compliment I hear every time I wear one of my clutch
bags...we do “wear” our purses...right? After years of making
dozens of placemat clutches, I decided to film a “simple as pie”
YOUTUBE tutorial so that everyone could copycat this accessory...
in minutes.
I drew the story boards, my film maker
husband shot the video and now you too...can get creative.
In this YOUTUBE you will see how I attach...just for fun... an oversized mirror on to the inside flap of each bag. Click below and in no time... you'll have one ready for your next party.
In this YOUTUBE you will see how I attach...just for fun... an oversized mirror on to the inside flap of each bag. Click below and in no time... you'll have one ready for your next party.
“Everything that's old is new again”.
We're going to a '60s MOD gala next week. I rifled though the relics
section of my closet and retrieved this nearly vintage Escada knit
suit for the event and made ...yet another placemat clutch.
To celebrate Jean Paul Gaultier when he
came to San Francisco, I trimmed a faux croc placemat clutch with
post card pieces of Paint By Number pictures, his name with scrabble
chips and turquoise smiling Buddha beads.
We downloaded his show into my Nano and then I built a necklace around it.
Filled with enthusiasm and excited and wearing my FAV Gaultier jacket, I headed to the de Young museum to hear his talk. He was enthused and excited to see my ensemble and asked for my card: twice!
It's called: THE CHOP. A few nights ago at about 1:00 am, after seeing this CHOP cut in all of the papers and on line fashion magazines, I chopped my hair...way short. So far...I'm lovin' it.
Last winter, I CHOPPED these sweaters up into “PB” style: Before Prada designed her Spring 2013 look. After boiling and shaping two large cashmere sweaters, I cut flowers out of the pink one and CHOPPED the turtleneck, cuffs and hem off the blue one. I'll make a winter cap with the turtleneck piece, scrunchies and headbands with the cuffs & hem pieces. I finished the sweater with a few antique mother-of-pearl buttons centered on the flowers.
To complete MY Prouda Prada look, I wore a Prada pencil skirt and a fleurs galore Prada blouse.
Framed mirrors atop a woven straw place-mat, a few fav accessories and CHOP, CHOP... I'm ready to rock.
“Go figure/Who knew” that faux fur anythings would become such statement “must haves” this summer. I scored a few “yah coulda fooled me” (made in Japan in 2000 ) rolls of faux fur at our local antique fair. Tap plastics cut the bracelets to size. Worn between otherwise noisy, stacked up bangles, I'm rarely out the door without one..or two.
Chic and practical rarely describes a
guy's thing. Now that cell phones can do anything, it's the only
thing a guy needs. To make this accessory accessible, I accessorized
it. I CHOPPED the tips off a tie and sewed the bottoms closed.
Give this a try: it's just like sewing up a turkey. No one will ever see your handy work. How way cool is this pocket square chic and practical detail that encases a cell phone and a pen. Can't wait to get creative with the center section of the tie... maybe a belt, headband, bracelet, or trim on a purse?
Give this a try: it's just like sewing up a turkey. No one will ever see your handy work. How way cool is this pocket square chic and practical detail that encases a cell phone and a pen. Can't wait to get creative with the center section of the tie... maybe a belt, headband, bracelet, or trim on a purse?
For the way I roll, Instagrams are instant gratifications. Yet another cell phone application I love.

Here in California, we are so happy when Cinco de Mayo falls on a margarita infused weekend. I was double happy this weekend when INSTYLE on line informed me that my “Day of the Dead” rain boots/Burberry waxed rain jacket combo would be their pick of the week. Last fall, they also liked a combo a sent in to the magazine. OK... it's happy hour and the BARZ open.